
Results showed that psychoeducation contributes to the search for treatment by informing individuals that their suffering is the result of a treatable disorder rather than personal characteristics.


Paper related to this workshop and moc-persuasion.

How can psychoeducation help in the treatment of mental disorders?

Clarissa Tochetto de Oliveira , Ana Cristina Garcia Dias

The following content (reaction paper) was generated by an LLM.

What is the summary of the paper?

The paper is a narrative review of the literature focused on organizing, integrating, and evaluating scientific publications on psychoeducation or psychoeducational interventions. The review was conducted using the Scientific Electronic Library Online Brazil and PsycINFO databases, with a selection of articles based on relevance to the study’s purpose. The paper highlights the limitations of narrative reviews, including potential biases and non-reproducibility, and advises caution in interpreting the results.

What is the research question? (How) was it answered?

The research question aimed to explore the role of psychoeducation as a strategy for enhancing mental health awareness, influencing treatment-seeking behavior, treatment adherence, and reducing symptoms of mental disorders. It was answered through a narrative review of the literature, which involved organizing, integrating, and evaluating scientific publications on the subject, although the method is subject to biases and is non-reproducible.

What research approach did the authors choose? Is it appropriate for achieving the chosen research objective?

The authors chose a narrative review approach for their research. This approach is considered appropriate for organizing, integrating, and evaluating scientific publications on a given subject, which aligns with the research objective. However, caution is advised in interpreting the results due to potential biases inherent in narrative reviews.

What are the key findings of the article? What are the implications?

The key findings of the article are not provided in the given context, so I cannot accurately summarize them. The implications suggest that the results of the narrative literature review should be interpreted with caution due to potential biases inherent in the method and the non-exhaustive nature of the paper selection. The study’s reproducibility is also questioned due to the subjective selection and interpretation of the included literature.

What are the limitations of the article? How might future work build on this article?

The limitations of the article include its non-exhaustive approach to databases and psychoeducation interventions, the potential for selection and interpretation bias due to the subjective perception of the authors, and the non-reproducibility of the study. Future work could build on this article by conducting a more comprehensive review across additional databases, employing systematic review methodologies to minimize bias, and ensuring reproducibility through clear and objective criteria for study selection and analysis. Additionally, future research could incorporate quantitative analyses to complement the narrative review and provide a more robust evidence base.

	title = {How can psychoeducation help in the treatment of mental disorders?},
	volume = {40},
	issn = {0103-166X, 1982-0275},
	url = {https://www.scielo.br/j/estpsi/a/RSsdDzgtqCQYSR8cKdRhmFM/?lang=en},
	doi = {10.1590/1982-0275202340e190183},
	abstract = {Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to introduce psychoeducation as a strategy for building information on mental health, as well as to discuss its potential contribution to the decision of seeking treatment, treatment adherence, and decrease of mental disorder symptoms. Method: For this purpose, a narrative review of the literature was performed. Results: Results showed that psychoeducation contributes to the search for treatment by informing individuals that their suffering is the result of a treatable disorder rather than personal characteristics. Subsequently, it contributes to treatment adherence by communicating how it works and what results are expected. This contribution of psychoeducation to treatment adherence seems to reduce the symptoms of the disorder, i.e., the symptoms decrease because the individual is engaged in the treatment. Conclusion: We conclude that psychoeducation acts as a “gateway” for seeking treatment and treatment adherence, consequently decreasing symptoms.},
	pages = {e190183},
	journaltitle = {Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas)},
	shortjournal = {Estud. psicol. (Campinas)},
	author = {Oliveira, Clarissa Tochetto de and Dias, Ana Cristina Garcia},
	urldate = {2024-01-09},
	date = {2023-05-01},
	langid = {english},
	note = {Publisher: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas},
	keywords = {Health Education, Literature review, Mental health},

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