Persuasive AI

Persuasive AI

Of course it is persuasion with artificial intelligence


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AI’s new power of persuasion: it can change your mind

A new EPFL study has demonstrated the persuasive power of Large Language Models, finding that participants debating GPT-4 with access to their personal information were far more likely to change their opinion compared to those who debated humans.

The models have learnt through online patterns that a certain way of making an argument is more likely to lead to a persuasive outcome. They have read many millions of Reddit, Twitter and Facebook threads, and been trained on books and papers from psychology about persuasion. It’s unclear exactly how a model leverages all this information but West believes this is a key direction for future research.

AI Is Becoming More Persuasive Than Humans

Key points

  • A new study reported that AI could be more persuasive than human persuaders.
  • A Large Language Model with access to demographic data successfully used that data to personalize messaging.
  • This model was statistically more persuasive than humans when discussing a number of topics.
  • Real-world examples of succesful personalizing of messages abound.

And this:

Research Agenda

  • Data modalities, look at figure from paper.
    • unimodal vs. multimodal models

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