PERSUASIVE - International Conference on Persuasive Technology
Important Dates
Paper submission: – Submission deadline: January 03, 2025 (AoE) – Decision notification: February 15, 2025 – Camera ready submission: February 28, 2025
Papers can be full papers (12 pages, excluding references) or short papers (6 pages, excluding references) in Springer LNCS format, and describe work not presented, published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
All types of submissions must be written in English, and sent electronically as pdf files through the conference submission system ( Submissions must comply with the Springer LNCS format ( Attention will be paid in the reviewing process to originality, technical soundness, quality of writing, ethics, validation, and connections with previous work in the persuasive technology field. To support the double blind review process of long and short papers, paper submissions need to be anonymous. Names and affiliations must be removed from the title page, self-citation in the bibliography must be kept to a minimum and citation to the authors’ previous work in the text body must be in third person (e.g. not using “As we described in [1], …” but using instead “As
When accepted, a camera ready version of the paper (as .pdf) including source files (e.g., .doc, .docx or LaTeX files) must be submitted. At least one author per submission is required to register before the end of the early registration period and be present at the conference. Inclusion in the proceedings is conditional upon successful registration.
Papers should be submitted via Easy Chair and the submission link is: